Commissioner Donna Adams – Chair
Donna joined Tasmania Police in 1987 and during her career has served in numerous areas including uniform, criminal investigation, education and training and internal investigations.
Donna was awarded the Australian Police Medal in January 2009 and promoted to Assistant Commissioner in charge of Crime and Operations in 2011, becoming the highest ranked woman in the history of Tasmania Police. This was achievement she would go on to repeat some years later.
In 2014, Donna was the Tasmanian Telstra Business Woman of the Year and went on to become a National joint winner of the Telstra Business Women Innovation Award.
In 2015 she was promoted to the role of Deputy Secretary of the Department of Police, Fire and Emergency Management. The newly created role saw her leave her rank behind and take leave from policing.
This year (2021) Donna once again became the highest ranked woman in Tasmania Police’s history when she won the role of Deputy Commissioner of Police. This also includes the dual role of Deputy State Controller and so she is currently heavily involved in co-ordinating Tasmania’s response to Covid-19.
Donna has a Graduate Certificate in Police Studies (2002), Graduate Certificate in Applied Management (2007) and a Master in Policing (2011). Donna enjoys a round of golf on the weekend, supporting North Melbourne Football Club and likes to get out in the garden.